- Online Marketing Program Development & Plans
- Social media management
- One-Time Set-up Fee for Creation of Social Media Platforms, if required
- No. of Platforms (Facebook, Yelp, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, MYCT, etc.)
- Hashtag & Keyword Research
- Social Media Marketing Campaigns
- Social Media (Text, Image and/or Video) Posts / Week/Platform
- Custom Designed Creatives, Specifically Created for Your Business/ Week
- Analytics and Re-Targeting Efforts
- "Weekly Specials" Generation and Optimization
- Press Releases
- Blogging with Social Shares/ Month
- Local Specific Online Marketing
- Social Media Monitoring
- Google Analytics Implementation
- Pixel Integration
- Insight Analysis and Online Marketing Monitoring
- Custom Email & Text Outreach Programs
- Monthly Reporting
- Reputation Management
- Access to Our Digital Experts For Ongoing Support